FAQs - Rita Levi Montalcini Scholarships

Who should I contact if I have any doubts?

The Foundation's Administrative office at the following email address:

Last statement income: what does this document consist of?

This document consists of the income tax return filed in the United States in 2023, i.e., the “US FORM 1040”.
Alternatively, the applicant may send a signed statement in which, under his/her own civil and criminal responsibility, he/she indicates his/her total income in 2023. It is not necessary to provide the paycheck as well. Please note that applications without the above accounting documents will not be processed.

How should I attach the required documentation in the Form?

Files must be uploaded in PDF format.
Each file should be named with the type of document and your last name, e.g., "CV dr. Smith" or "Passport dr. Smith." Please note that documents in different formats or without identification in the file name will not be accepted.

How should I fill out the CV?

The CV should be written in the European format, which can be downloaded online. You must provide all biographical data, including your residential address and email address. In addition, it is mandatory to include a photo. You are required to fill out the CV with all the information about your educational, university, work and research background.

What's the selection process timeline?

  • January - February 2025: evaluation of
    applications (1st screening)

  • March - May 2025: online interviews with suitable applicants (2nd screening)

  • June 2025: communication of application outcome to all applicants

    The above timeline is purely indicative: it can change if the number of applications is considerably higher than expected.

Can I be eligible to receive the scholarship even if I have already completed the 1st year of my degree in Neuroscience/Neurobiology?

Absolutely. The duration of the
scholarship is up to 2 years maximum for a student enrolled in a master's or research fellowship, up to 3 years maximum for a PhD student.

As a result, if you have completed the 1st year of a master's degree or research fellowship, you can only receive funding for the following year. If, on the other hand, you have completed the 1st year of your PhD program, you can receive funding for the 2nd and 3rd years.

How long should the cover letter be and what topics should I include?

The cover letter should be written
using Times New Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 line spacing, and should not exceed two pages in length. You should include the following topics in your presentation, not necessarily in this order: i. description of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and skills; ii. personal interests and hobbies; iii. most significant work or internship experiences; iv. any awards or recognitions you have received in academia or otherwise. 
Be sure to include a header with your first and last name, and the university where you are carrying out  the research project, and sign the letter at the end.
Letters without a signature and/or header will not be accepted.

Is the Dompé Foundation scholarship compatible with other scholarships?

Yes, it is compatible. As a result, you can receive the scholarship even if you are benefiting from other types of funding provided by public or private institutions, or if you are already receiving a wage. 

In case of non-renewal of the scholarship, will I have to return the funding already received?

No, you will not be asked to return the amount received except in the cases specified in section 4.2. of the Call for Applications.

What should the abstract of my research project look like?

The abstract must be titled and can be between 200 and 400 words in length (excluding spaces). Be sure to include a header with your first and last name and the university where you are carrying out the research project, and to sign the abstract at the end.
Abstracts without a signature and/or header will not be accepted.

Can I apply again even if I've been rejected?

Absolutely yes! You can submit your application even if you have been previously rejected. Just make sure to specify in your cover letter that you are applying for the second time.

Are Rita Levi Montalcini scholarships designed for students enrolled in a Master’s, research fellowship or PhD at a University in the U.S. only?

Yes, the Rita Levi Montalcini Scholarships are specifically designed for students enrolled in a Master's Degree program (one-year or two-year), a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program or a Research Fellowship at a U.S. university, in the fields of neuroscience and/or neurobiology, which may possibly be conducted in partnership with U.S. research centers/agencies.

Do you usually interview all the cadidates?

No, we only interview the candidates that we consider suitable after the evaluation of all applications, which is the first screening phase.

Do you have any preference for research topics that applicants are studying?

The only requirement is that the field of research must be neuroscience and/or neurobiology.

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